Behold the manual! This disk describes what bitters is, and how 
you might use it. It's packed with information. Some useful, some 
maybe less? No, just kidding, how could any of that information 
be useful! Before we dive in, let's start by paying some due 


Bitters is not much more than a reproduction of the word 
processing abilities of the Canon Cat. All the ideas have been 
pioneered by Jef Rasking and the team that worked on the Canon 
Cat project. I'm in awe to see the attention to details the whole 
team had on every aspect the Cat.

This manual itself has been inspired by the Canon Cat's Reference 
Manual that's available online. The Cat's manual is much more 
exhaustive and a definite read I'd suggest you to go through 
after you're done reading this one. As a matter of fact, I'm 
adding URLs to Cat documentation at the end of this manual. 
You've been warned!

Of course, it's hard to learn the details of a machine when we 
can't fiddle with it. The Internet Archive has an emulator of the 
Cat that has been incredibly helpful.

A little note on the font used: I've used the font_8x16 from the 
Linux kernel. It's provided under the GPL 2.0 license.

Most of the work done on this project should also be attributed 
to my local coffee roaster. Let's be honest, the coffee she sells 
should absolutely take credit for what's been done here!


What is bitters? Why is it called that way? How does it work? So 
many questions, and hopefully many more are currently floating in 
your brain. And don't get me started on brain. That should be the 
subject of another document.

So you're here, reading this manual. Congratulations! Out of all 
the different activities the modern world provides us, you chose 
to read this manual. Let me tell you this: you chose well. You 
are about to hop on a journey that started in the late 80s, a 
point in time where many innovation started. I, myself, was born 
in the late 80s. I was too young to appreciate all the machines 
and ideas and paradigms that were invented back then. But here I 
am today!

Bitters is a word processor that's inspired by the Canon Cat. The 
Cat is a machine that's been released in 1987 by Jef Raskin, who 
worked on the Macintosh project at Apple before that. The Cat's 
approach to what tech should be is vastly different from what 
computers are today. Instead of being a machine that allows 
everyone to do everything, the Cat had a much more utilitarian 
view. A computer should be an inexpensive tool that allows 
everyone to work with words.

While the Cat wasn't a commercial success, it is PACKED with 
incredible ideas. Bitters only implements a fraction of them. But 
this little fraction makes writing so enjoyable that it's worth, 
in my opinion, exploring them.


In order to install bitters, you need to have a C compiler and 
the SDL2 library installed. Compile directly from the source 
using the provided '' script.


Your interface to writing with bitters is your keyboard, as I'm 
sure you have guessed! Bitters only supports standard ANSI QWERTY 
keyboards. If you are using an other type of keyboard, the 
modifiers key will be mapped to the ones of the QWERTY keyboard. 
In addition to that, bitters only allows characters that are part 
of the ASCII table, meaning that it's currently not possible to 
write accents, for example.

Bitters uses special keys to work with text. In this manual, I'll 
be mentioning them enclosed in [].


ALT is used for leaping. Control is used as the "use front" 
modifier, which changes the behavior of some keys.

[<- LEAP]:	Left ALT
[LEAP ->]:	Right ALT
[USE FRONT]:	Control
[ERASE]:	Backspace
[PAGE]:		PageDown

Pressing [USE FRONT] allows you to access other keys:

[PASTE]:	[USE FRONT] + "p"
[DISK]:		[USE FRONT] + "l" (ell)

Some keys are available only when the text is highlighted. The 
commands carried by these keys operate directly on the selection.

[COPY]:		"c"
[CENTER]:	"="


In the Canon Cat, you'd insert a floppy disk in the machine and 
directly start typing. There were no file system, no OS. Just 
disks you'd write your text on. A lot like you'd have paper in a 

On bitters, disks are files that contain all your writing. They 
aren't actual, real floppy disks like on the Cat. Just files. 
They are named disks because they serve a similar purpose and 
philosophy: they store all your documents.

While the norm is to have many different files with their own 
names, on bitters you'd have one disk with all your documents. 
This allows you to quickly lookup information using LEAP.

On bitters, a disk can store up to 250 KB of text. After that, 
the disk becomes full and you are not able to write in it 
anymore. This 250 KB limit is similar to the one of the Canon Cat.

By convention, name your disks with the '.bit' extension. Disks 
are simple text files and contain no other information than the 
text you've written in them.

To start bitters, you need to pass it the path of a disk. If the 
disk doesn't exist, bitters will create a new one for you.


When you have unsaved changes on a disk, a * character should 
appear on the bottom line of the editor. To write the changes to 
the disk, use the [DISK] (CTRL + 'l' (ell)) key. Once saved, the 
* character disappear, indicating that your work has been 
successfully recorded.


As we've just seen in the previous section (DISKS), there's no 
files in bitters, just disks which are a place where you can have 
documents. What you are reading right now, this whole document, 
is a disk. And as I'm sure you've noticed there are different 
sections. This section for example talks about DOCUMENTS and 
PAGES. It's separated from its neighbors with a very special 
character. The DOCUMENT character. It's a normal character, just 
like the 'o' or the 'i'. It's octal ASCII code is . Because 
it's a normal character, you can LEAP to it. But hey, we haven't 
covered LEAPing yet!

Here's what to remember: DOCUMENTS should describe standalone 
parts of your disks. If we take the analogy of a file system: 
your disk is the folder, and the DOCUMENTS are its files.

A PAGE is another character. Its octal code (not that you need to 
know about it, really) is . Since it's a character, you can 
also LEAP to it. A Page is a way to subdivide your DOCUMENTS. If 
DOCUMENTS can be viewed as files, PAGES are subsections of those 

To type a PAGE character, press PageDown. To type a DOCUMENT 
character, press [SHIFT] + [PAGE].


The way the Cat and bitters handle the cursor is a little 
different than what we tend to see. Instead of having a single 
like that shows where the next character will be inserted, there 
are two visual cues:

- The cursor: the dotted rectangle that always shows you where 
your next character is going to be inserted.

- The highlight: the filled rectangle that preceeds the cursor. 
It shows the character that would be removed if you pressed the 
[ERASE] key.

When the cursor and the higlight are on different character, we 
say that the cursor is wide. When they are both on the same 
character, we say that the cursor is narrow.

When you press [ERASE] on a wide cursor, it will erase backward. 
When you press [ERASE] on a narrow cursor, it will erase forward.

When we LEAP, the cursor automatically becomes narrow. But what's 
leaping exactly?!


Leaping is the heart and soul of the Cat, and also of bitters. 
Without it, it'd be pretty dull to write with... So what's 
leaping? It's a way to "jump" (leap) to any character in the 
disk. Instead of using arrow keys or your mouse to get to a place 
in your document, you would just leap to that location directly. 
LEAP is a great way to edit parts of your text, but also to 
browse your disk, or to look up information.


You can leap forward ([LEAP ->]) or backward ([<- LEAP]) from 
your current location. To do it, press one of the LEAP keys and 
start typing the pattern. A pattern can go up to 10 characters. 
It describes the sequence of letters to target.

The target is the first letter of the sequence, that's where your 
cursor will land. Once it lands on the target, the cursor becomes 
narrow: [ERASE] will erase forward.

Any character can be part of your LEAP pattern. That includes the 
DOCUMENT and PAGE character, as well as the RETURN character.


Once you've leaped onto a target, you can ask bitters to LEAP to 
the next available target. That's done using the [LEAP AGAIN] 
key. To activate it, press [USE FRONT] and press either [<- LEAP] 
or [LEAP ->].

Note that [LEAP AGAIN] auto-repeats. Just keep your fingers on 
the key and bitters will jump around on all available targets. 
This makes [LEAP AGAIN] a great tool to browse your disk! Just 
press [LEAP ->] [RETURN] [RETURN] [LEAP AGAIN] to scroll your 
disk forward. Use [<- LEAP] instead to scroll backward.


When you LEAP too far in one direction, the search for the 
pattern will hit either the begining or end of the disk. When 
that happens, the search picks up from the opposite direction. 
This is called the "circular search". 


So what happens when you LEAP to a pattern that isn't found on 
the disk? The cursor gets back to its original position. It's 
called the "cursor rebound". It's a great way to lookup for 
information! Just LEAP to a pattern you'd like to check on, then 
press "xx" (or any random string) to get back to where you were.


There are no arrow keys on bitters or the Cat. Instead, you have 
your good old LEAP keys. If you press one of the LEAP keys and 
immediatly release it, it will move forward or backward one 
character, and narrow the cursor. This is called "creeping", and 
its helpful to adjust the target after a leap.

Of course, you want to limit the use of creeping as much as 
possible and instead train on using LEAP to land on the correct 


When the LEAP pattern contains a lowercase character, it will try 
to match it with both lowercase AND uppercase targets. So if your 
pattern is "hello", it will match with both "hello" and "HELLO".

However if your pattern is uppercase, only uppercase target will 


Highlighting is the process of selecting text to do things with 
it. You can ERASE it, CENTER it, COPY it or MOVE it. To highlight 
a part of your text, position yourself to one side of your 
selection. LEAP to the other side of the text you'd like to 
highlight, and press both LEAP keys. There you go!


You can erase your selection by pressing the [ERASE] key.


If your selection fits on a single line, you can center it by 
pressing the [CENTER] key. It will pad it with spaces.


By pressing the [COPY] key, your selection goes into your 
system's clipboard and is available anywhere. Note that you can 
paste the text you have copied anywhere on your disk by pressing 
the [PASTE] key.


When your text is highlighted, you can move it to another 
location by LEAPING to the new location. As soon as you release 
the LEAP key, the text will be moved there. To cancel the move 
when you have started LEAPING, use the CURSOR REBOUND (by typing 
"xx" or any other random pattern).


When you press the [TAB] key, Bitters will insert a horizontal 
tab character (	). This character will expand until it reaches 
the next tabstop. By default, there is a tabstop every 8 
characters, but this can be changed. More on that in the next 

TAB is a great for tabular data, or for indenting lists. As any 
character, it's possible to LEAP to it, however many systems 
already use the ALT-TAB key binding.


You can pass the path of a configuration file as the second 
argument when you run bitter. The configuration file allows you 
to change default values and colors. Each line should be the name 
of an option followed by an '=' and the value. Every line that 
starts with a '#' won't be read, and can be used for comments. 
Below are the different options:

TAB_STOP	Tab characters will be halted at every multiple 
		of this number. Defaults to 8.

ROWS		The number of visible rows for editing text. This 
		will change the height of the window. Defaults to 

COLR_BG		A hex number representing the color of the 
		background. Defaults to 0.

COLR_TXT	A hex number representing the color of the text. 
		Defaults to ffffff.

Note: 	Don't use the '#' when defining a COLR_* option. Simply 
	write the hex value without it.


This section of the manual describes a simple style convention 
for writing with bitters. Feel free to use it for your own 
writing, or don't! As long as you stay consistent, you will be 
happy. And isn't being happy why we use bitters in the first 

-	Name your disk with the '.bit' extension.

-	DOCUMENTs should be standalone sections in your disk. 
	PAGEs should be used as sub-headings withing your 

-	The first DOCUMENT of your disk should describe its 
	content. Its title should be the title of the disk. It 
	should be centered horizontally to make it standout from 
	other titles. Below the title should be a description of 
	the disk.

-	Add a title to your DOCUMENTs and PAGEs. The title should 
	be inserted after the DOCUMENT or PAGE character. Finish 
	every title with two RETURN.

-	Finish every paragraph with two RETURN.

-	Indent lists with one TAB, and finish every list item by 
	a period (".") followed by two RETURN.


The above convention should be a good balance between simplicity 
and practicalness. If you write a lot with bitters and edit text 
often, you can add those few rules to make working with LEAP 

- Capitalize your titles. LEAP to a title using SHIFT.

- Start your sentences with two spaces. LEAP to the start of a 
sentence by typing LEAP followed by SPACE and SPACE.


Below are some tips, methods and best practices to use bitters. 
You will for sure discover tips yourself! When you do, feel free 
to email them to me so I can add them.


Having all your DOCUMENTS on the same disk comes with a huge 
benefit: you can lookup any piece of information from anywhere! 
Here's how you'd do that:

[LEAP] to the pattern you'd like to lookup. Once you've gotten 
the information you need, get back to where you were by adding 
"xx" to the pattern, thus causing the cursor to rebound.


Since sentences are separated by a "." (period), LEAP to "." to 
get to the next sentences.



If you follow the BITTERS STYLE (and I hope you do!) then all 
your paragraphs are separated by the [RETURN] keys. Use the 
following pattern:


This pattern is a great way to browse the content of a disk. Keep 
in mind that the [LEAP AGAIN] key auto-repeats, which makes it 
more convinent to scroll.


Since PAGE and DOCUMENT are on the same key, you can LEAP to a 
PAGE to match both PAGEs and DOCUMENTs.


I find this one especially useful! Anytime to leap somewhere to 
edit a part of the text, you can get back to where you were by 
doing the following:

Highlight the text with [LEAP ->] [<- LEAP] then CREEP to the 
side you'd like to go.


Highlight from the RETURN before the start of the paragraph to 
the one after the end. Leap to the line you'd like the selection 
to go.


Highlight from the first letter of the sentence (or the space, if 
it follows a period) up to the finishing period. Leap to the 
place you'd like the selection to go to.


I hope you've enjoyed reading this manual and that you've learned 
a thing on two! Practice makes perfect, and the best you can do 
is to apply your knowledge: go ahead and start writing! After a 
little bit, you'll even forget about bitters and only care about 
what you write. That's the place you want to be in.

There's great documentation of the Canon Cat, and I highly 
recommend giving them a look. You can find it on


                       QUESTIONS? COMMENTS?

     Let me know! You can contact me at m15o at posteo dot net

                        Thanks for reading!